Thursday, October 2, 2008

Happy Independence Day!

For those that don't know, and those that likely forgot (like my bro and sis), today, the 1st of October happens to be Nigerian Independence Day.

If I were at home I'd mandate a celebration with lots of suya and a little beer, possibly even illegal and dangerous fireworks. As it is I'll have to make do with some orange juice and a few salted almonds.

Here's to many more, and better times ahead.


Robot Turkey Girl said...

Um... excuse me, how dare you accuse me of forgetting Independence Day! If you must know I sported a very cool looking Nigerian shirt that day, and I'm sure you saw the picture seeing as I sent it to you. I actually wanted to make some j-rice but I was too tired... but suya and beer(Star preferably cause it's Nigerian) does sound quite tasty. Sorry you had to settle for juice and nuts :(

Shobo said...

Ah! Star!

Jollop sounds pretty good actually.
Nom! Nom! Nom!

The pixter pod said...

Viva La independencia! Arriba!