Saturday, December 27, 2008

More Edward

Still working on this, I think I'm getting closer to something I like and Shof's been providing valuable feedback. I still have some fine tuning to do but I like the last image on the right.


Evan said...


too busy! Give a guy a chance to comment before you start posting again!! I can't keep up with the pace!

I like how these are looking. I would agree with you on the last on the right, but something's missing. It's like, 90% there. I think it's the top of his head. It's too shallow. I would give him a little more cranium, but that's my opinion. You can play with it and see if i'm right or not.

I still want this game! When is the Laser Gun concept art gonna be up??

John Howard said...

Seriously, you have been busy!

The first guy is my favorite. He has the most life in him, partly due to his head being tilted but also it looks like you've began systematically evening out his features in the subsequent concepts (except for the white on black version). The first one has a more distinct nose, mouth, and forehead. Also, his head shape is 'fuller' and more more organic than the latter versions. The second guy isn't so bad either.

And Evan's right, give him (the ones on the right) a wee bit more negative space between the front of his face and his ear (like the first feller). And move his chin swirly back into place :P I think the right-most guy has the best pupils/eyeball shapes

Shobo said...

Thanks so much guys, really appreciate the feedback. Going to keep trying to improve on him. Shof took my sketches and drew a version that I really liked, I'll post that in my next update.

Robot Turkey Girl said...

Hey mate! I really like this guy. First one's my fav but I like his original "hair-do." Maybe if there was some way of combining the two? But that's just me. Have to say with the newer versions there's a slight Broc Samsonness in there.
Good to so you working so much!

P.S. I'd like to hear more about this game, don't keep me in the dark!

Shobo said...

Ha! Funny you mention Brock since I was looking at him while drawing this dude. I think too much of Brock's rage came through in his eyes!

Robot Turkey Girl said...

Hahaha! Brock's rage is the ultimate.

Lighthouse Pilot said...

Call me crazy, but I agree with John. I'm not saying it would be crazy to agree with John. Well, who knows? It might. Actually, I had already planned out "call me crazy" before I read these posts because I thought I was going to be the only guy that preferred the version on the far left. I think there's a little more energy in the sketch and he seems more developed all the way around. I think the problem I have with all the guys on the right lies somewhere in the eyes, but I'm not sure where.

Either way...good work!