Monday, January 28, 2008

The script for Jupiter Jonah is finished!

A few days ahead of schedule no less! I'd set a deadline of February 2nd (my 26th birthday) to get it done, I never really thought I'd make it but it seems I did! Now I've just got a few loose ends to tie up and I'll be sending it over to my partner Shane Mcdermott to have a look at.

In other news it looks like I'll be moving to the Philippines at the end of February. Yup, it came as a surprise to me as well but the videogame website I work for, wants me to head over there (where the main offices are located) and take charge of editorial, which is extremely exciting to say the least.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Two More Tests

Just before Christmas BJ gave me a new pair of drawings to practice coloring with, I've been thinking about ditching the method I was using before, and this is the result. Personally I like it much better, I'm still struggling with making text bubble shapes look right, but it's getting better I think. I suppose I should add that the font used is just placeholder, and that the images aren't from our comic "Orishas" but rather from something BJ was working on a few years ago. Also I made up the script to match what goes on in the images... Stan Lee style! (I'm just kidding Mr. Lee)

Also, I've been working hard on Jupiter Jonah, the script's coming along wonderfully, it's been a while since I've had so much fun writing and I hope it shows in the final product. I know I promised I'd have a synopsis for Orisha's by now, but I promise it's comin' real soon.

Oh yeah, and Happy New Year everyone!